What are the 5 Styles of Journalism?


Throughout the years, there have been substantial developments in the area of journalism, which is always changing. The way we consume news has changed drastically, moving from old-fashioned print publications to modern digital newsrooms. Yet one thing is constant: there are many different types of journalism. In this essay, we examine the five journalistic philosophies that influence how we consume and analyze news. So, what are the 5 Journalism Styles?


The role of journalism in society is to act as a watchdog for the federal, state, local, and private sectors. It serves as a communication tool that keeps individuals up to date on occurrences in their immediate environment. As journalism has developed over time, different reporting approaches have also done so. The five types of journalism that any prospective journalist should be familiar with are covered in this article.


During the early years of newspaper publication, journalism advanced significantly. This sector of the economy now includes print, broadcast, and digital media. As a result of this growth, many journalism philosophies have arisen, each with a distinctive approach to news reporting.

These are the five types of journalism:

  • Investigative reporting
  • Journalism in Feature
  • televised journalism
  • Photojournalism
  • Speculative journalism
  • Investigative reporting


Investigative journalism is a kind of reporting that entails in-depth study and examination of a certain subject. It is a kind of journalism that looks for unreported facts or unethical behavior in business, government, or other institutions.

Investigative journalists invest a lot of time in their investigation and data collection, often consulting secret sources. To go further into a story, they use a variety of strategies, including stakeouts, interviews, and data analysis.

Investigative reporting has been crucial in revealing, among other things, power abuse, fraud, and corruption. It has been essential in encouraging openness in politics and industry as well as keeping people in positions of the authority responsible.

Feature Journalism, H2

A reporting method known as "feature journalism" concentrates on human interest tales. It's a kind of journalism that recounts tales that go beyond the headlines and provide a deeper look at a certain topic.

To captivate their readers, feature writers employ a variety of storytelling strategies, including narratives, profiles, and human interest tales. They often talk about things like travel, culture, and entertainment.

The goal of feature journalism is to arouse feelings in the reader and establish a rapport. It enables journalists to write about significant but maybe unnewsworthy topics.

Journalism in the media

A reporting method known as "broadcast journalism" includes distributing news through radio or television. It is a kind of journalism that emphasizes on providing audiences with breaking news in real time.

News reporters for broadcast media must be able to speak clearly and swiftly. To provide the public with current information, they use a variety of approaches, including live reporting, interviews, and on-the-spot reporting.

While cable news networks and social media have grown in popularity, broadcast journalism has also become more and more well-liked. Millions of people all across the globe now depend on it as their primary news source.

Photographic journalism

In order to communicate a narrative, images are often used in photojournalism. It is a kind of journalism that emphasizes image-based storytelling and the use of pictures to communicate ideas.

Reporters and photojournalists often collaborate to produce photographs that enhance the narrative. They use a variety of strategies, including composition, lighting, and timing, to produce powerful pictures that convey a message.

In the era of social media, when pictures can go viral in just seconds, photojournalism has grown to be a crucial component of journalism. It has the capacity to stir up emotions and build a bond with the audience.

Opinion journalism in H2

A reporting method known as "opinion journalism" entails conveying a point of view. It is a style of journalism that enables reporters to voice their ideas on a certain subject.

Opinion journalists communicate their opinions using a variety of tactics, including editorials, columns, and commentary. They often discuss subjects including politics, current affairs, and social concerns.

The goal of opinion journalism is to promote discussion and debate. It enables journalists to provide news and event analysis and insight.


Which kind of journalism is most widely read?

A. Since digital media has grown in popularity, online journalism has become the most common kind of journalism.

Q. Which journalistic subgenre is the most contentious?

A. Because of its bias in favor of one point of view, advocacy journalism is the most divisive kind of journalism.


Investigative journalism, opinion journalism, feature journalism, broadcast journalism, and sports journalism are the five categories of journalism. Each kind of journalism has its own requirements for abilities and traits, but they all aim to provide the public with accurate and trustworthy information. You'll be better able to choose which style best fits your interests and skill set and pursue a career in journalism if you are aware of the many journalistic styles.

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