What is Journalistic Style of Feature Writing? A Complete Guide


As a feature writer, you have the chance to enthrall your audience with tales that transport them across the article's pages. So how exactly do you do that? It all boils down to how features are written in a journalistic manner.


Using Journalistic Style's Power

The main goal of feature writing in the journalistic approach is to deliver the information in a compelling and entertaining way. It is a writing style that combines the fundamentals of journalism with the craft of narrative. It entails doing research, speaking with sources, and crafting a story's gist in one's writing.

There are many other writing styles you may use while writing features, but none are as powerful as the journalistic approach. This writing style is well-liked not just in the field of journalism but also in the field of feature writing, where it is used to produce captivating and intriguing tales that draw readers in.


The Journalistic Style Components

The following are some components of a journalistic feature writing style:

Research: A journalistic feature writer must do in-depth research on the subject being covered. This is crucial to make sure they have all the data, facts, and information they need to create a compelling tale.

Interviews are conducted with persons who are relevant to the topic for features written in a journalistic manner. These might be subject matter experts, eyewitnesses, or those who have personal knowledge of the events. The author must make sure they conduct effective interviews and get all the relevant data from their subjects.

Writing Style: A journalistic feature writing style is distinguished by a lucid, succinct, and captivating writing style. The author should utilize straightforward language and steer clear of technical jargon and long, convoluted phrases.

Structure: A feature piece has to have a defined plan that leads the reader on an adventure. The piece should have a compelling beginning that draws the reader in, a body that is packed with all the pertinent details, and a conclusion that brings it all together.


The Advantages of a Journalistic Approach

The most effective technique to capture your readers is through the journalistic style of feature writing. You may keep your readers interested from start to finish by delivering the information in a compelling and fascinating way.

Create Trust: You may increase reader trust by producing features with a journalistic approach. The time and effort you put into researching and producing your post will be appreciated by your readers, and this will help to establish you as a reliable and dependable source of information.

Increased Engagement: Readers are more likely to interact with a feature story written in a journalistic manner. This might be from readers who have been touched by your tale via comments, social media shares, or even emails.

Take Use of Journalistic Style's Strength

You may utilize the journalistic feature writing style as a potent instrument to fascinate and interest your readers. By using this writing style, you may develop gripping narratives that lead your readers through the pages of your piece. So why not release your imagination to produce feature articles that will enthrall your readers while embracing the power of journalistic style?


A: What distinguishes news writing from feature writing?

A: Whereas feature writing recounts tales in an interesting and creative manner, news writing concentrates on reporting facts and happenings.

A: Are features subject to bias?

A: In cases when the author has a personal goal or just presents one side of the subject, feature stories may be prejudiced.

What length is appropriate for a feature article?

A: Depending on the magazine and subject, feature pieces might be anything from 500 to 5,000 words long.

How should I choose a subject for a feature article?

A: Choose a subject that appeals to you and hasn't received much attention. Find a unique perspective that will interest readers.


What does the journalistic feature writing style entail? It's a distinctive style of journalism that places a focus on in-depth reporting, originality, and human interest. A thorough awareness of the audience, innovative writing skills, and significant research are all necessary for good feature writing. You may produce captivating feature articles that interest readers and convey difficult topics in a simple manner by using the advice and strategies in this passage.

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